XPLOR 20-Virtual Event



On Thursday, September 29th at 10:05am, #XPLOR20 opens up with a keynote session titled The Huge Power of Small: How To Create An Amazing Customer Experience That Drives Results, presented by marketing consultant and strategist, Antoine Dupont. Check out the information below!

Dupont, AntoineFrom Antoine: Disruption is all around us. These are truly amazing times and things are moving faster than we ever thought possible. This presentation gives you unparalleled skills and insights to build your business in these times in amazing ways — and it does it brilliantly by showing you how to unleash the power of tiny, tiny actions that make a significant and positive difference to your business. Instantly. The ideas cost nothing to implement (because they’re so small) yet the impact they have is profound. And best of all, you can put them into action immediately.

It’s like a whole new world opening up as I take you on a deep dive into what I like to call ‘Moments of CONNECTION,’ moments that radically redefine how you do business.

About Antoine Dupont:
He’s an award-winning marketing agency owner and a speaker at national and international conferences. He combines 18 years in marketing and 15 years in the hospitality industry.

His first job out of college was working for Gordon Ramsey in London at Le Gavroche. Antoine travels the world sharing his strategy and methodology to marketers and business owners. His goal is to improve lead generation and business growth via his proven marketing strategies.

As a result, he is an in-demand consultant on discovering the strategies that work. Watch a short clip of Antoine here.


The entire 4-day event, including Antoine's memorable keynote session, starts at only $49. Register Today.

Members pay only $49 for the event while non-members pay $79 for content spanning 4 days. Not a member? Become one during registration and receive the member pricing immediately!

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Event Information

Event Date 09-29-2020
Event End Date 10-08-2020
Capacity Unlimited
Registered 0
Individual Price Seventy-nine

We are no longer accepting registration for this event